How did Tito damage Serbia for war compensation from Germany: We were supposed to get 355 billion dollars - 49.396 per capita!

Telegraf 08.11.2018  | / S.I.
How did Tito damage Serbia for war compensation from Germany: We were supposed to get 355 billion dollars - 49.396 per capita!

Serbia has been paid only a small fragment of the total repair amoung which should be paid to Yugoslavia according to the Paris Conference in January 1946

The issue of war reparations during World War II has been relaunched after last week's visit by the German Chancellor Angela Merkel to Poland. Will Serbia also raise the issue of German debt in the amount of around 355.13 billion dollars, and if not, what was the role of Josip Broz Tito and German Chancellor Willy Brandt in that? Serbia from Dublin to the Ural: If one flag had to replace everyone else in Europe, it would be Serbian (GRAPHICS)

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