Kosovo’s PM presents first draft of agreement with Belgrade to foreign diplomats

N1 Info 13.12.2018  |  FoNet
Kosovo’s PM presents first draft of agreement with Belgrade to foreign diplomats

In a move that seems to be a switch of roles among Kosovo leaders, Ramush Haradinaj, the Prime Minister, wrote on his Facebook profile on Thursday he had informed the Quinta Group and the head of the EU Office in Pristina about the first draft of an agreement that should be adopted at the end of EU-facilitated Belgrade - Pristina dialogue.

The Quinta Group consists of the US, Great Britain, France, Italy and Germany. Haradinaj described the draft as Pristina’s accompanying document for the next phase of the dialogue to accelerate the process, the FoNet news agency reported. So far, the chief Pristina negotiator was Kosovo’s President Hashim Thaci who has been at odds with Haradinaj for quite some time, particularly on the issue of border correction between Serbia and Kosovo he

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