Čudo se dogodilo! Serhio Ramos 12 meseci nije uradio jednu stvar!
Alo 31.12.2018 | I.Đ.
I jednom takvom asu može da se dogodi da godinu dana apstinira.
Neverovatno, ali istinito - kapiten Reala Serhio Ramos nijednom u 2018. godini nije dobio crveni karton! Sergio Ramos has gone the whole of 2018 without receiving a red card. That's the first in his 16 year-career, via @RobinFutboI pic.twitter.com/43SeMDnKTP — FourFourTweet (@FourFourTweet) December 30, 2018 Sergio Ramos has gone the whole of 2018 without receiving a red card. That's the first in his 16 year-career, via @RobinFutboI