Madrid dobio mural beogradskog umetnika (FOTO)
Vesti online 15.03.2019 | Vestionline

Andrej Žikić - Artez, beogradski vizuelni umetnik već je obojio zidove mnogih gradova, među kojima su Istanbul, Beč, Kairo. Prošle nedelje u okviru umetničkog sajma "Urvanity Art Fair" naslikao je mural u jednoj od ulica u Madridu.
Mural pod nazivom "O ovom gradu" proteže se na četiri sprata u glavnoj, veoma prometnoj, gradskoj zoni, prenosi Tanjug. "About this town" mural Calle de Fuencarral 31 Madrid, Spain 2019. Mural tells us the story of Madrid, a place where visitors from all around the globe are welcome to come and enjoy the vivid artistic and cultural content that this city has to offer. Positioned in the very centre of the town, this mural creates a contrast with