Delta Force chased him, they masked into gorillas, but a brother's mistake gave him away: How was Karadzic hiding, he was arrested as Dr. Dabic
Telegraf 22.03.2019

It is speculated that one of the main reasons how Karadzic managed to avoid arrest from 1996 to 2009 is that he made a secret agreement with the former American member of the parliament, Richard Holbrooke
Radovan Karadzic spent more than a decade on the run after an international arrest warrant. While he was one of the most wanted people in the world, he went to all over Serbia for lectures and seminars as Dr. Dragan Dabic. He was arrested in May 2008. Karadzic sentenced to life in prison, the initial sentence was increased: Final verdict for the first president of Republika Srpska (VIDEO) (PHOTO) After two indictments, Karadzic lived in Pale.