The USA strikes Russia in a hidden message! They are using the crisis on Kosovo to remain in Balkans: Amecian general announced the help to "Kosovo Army"

Telegraf 05.04.2019
The USA strikes Russia in a hidden message! They are using the crisis on Kosovo to remain in Balkans: Amecian general announced…

The US Command in Europe supports the development of the KSF in accordance with the 10-year transition plan and in full cooperation with the US and NATO allies - said the US Senate General

The statement by future US commander in Europe, General Tod Wolters, that US troops are needed in Kosovo to withstand "malignant threats from abroad", but also to support the further development of "Kosovo security forces" left open the question if this message was sent to Serbia, but also to the one who threatens the interests of Washington in the region. The Albanian soldiers walked around northern Kosovska Mitrovica: The spokesperson of KFOR

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