Navijači napali i pretukli sudiju (VIDEO)
Vesti online 29.04.2019 | Vestionline

Ni seoski fudbal u regionu ne ide ovoliko daleko. Finale plej-ofa prvenstva Sudana obeležio je nesvakidašnji incident.
Disgraceful what has happened at Al Merriekh stadium tonight in the Al Merriekh - Hilal El Obied game, the referee sends off Bakri Al-Madina and some Al Merriekh supporters think it’s ok to come on to the pitch and beat up the referees this way. Absolutely disgraceful!! — Abdul Musa - عبدالقادر موسى (@PepJunior1) 28. април 2019. Besni navijači Al Mereika bili su vrlo nezadovoljni odlukom sudije na utakmici sa Hilal El