Veliki problem s klimom: Stvorilo se jezero u Alpima
Mondo 17.07.2019 | Tanjug

Na visini od 3.400 metara u francuskim Alpima planinar Brajan Mestre otkrio je jezero, što je, kako kaže, upozoravajući znak na klimatske promene.
View this post on Instagram Time to sound the alarm... The problem here? These two pictures were taken only 10 days apart... It was taken earlier on June 28th, the second one was shared by Paul Todhunter. Only 10 days of extreme heat were enough to collapse, melt and form a lake at the base of the Dent du Géant and the Aiguilles Marbrées That I know, this is the first time anything like that as ever happened. Southern Europe and the Alps have been struck by a