Welcome to Serbia, the land of Novak Djokovic! Does Nole deserve this slogan and billboard? (video)
Telegraf 08.08.2019

When you ask the average foreigner where or what Serbia is, the answer you get is very expected - Serbia is the land of Nikola Tesla and Novak Djokovic. Unlike foreigners, our tabloids are more inclined to weigh how badly off others have been because Nole has been so good these 17 years
Do you think that the first billboard that welcomes foreigners who enter our country should include a photo of the most famous Serbian tennis player and the inscription: Welcome to Serbia, the land of Novak Djokovic? Do you think anything about this slogan is incorrect or exaggerated? Do you know of anything that we could be more proud of in front of the world? When you ask the average foreigner (and about 99% of the planet is them) where or what Serbia is, the