Usred meča morali da iznesu njegovog fudbalera! Nije mogao da ustane, ogroman je problem (foto)
Alo 31.08.2019 | S.M.

Ovo nikako nije trebalo Sitiju.
Fudbaleri Mančester sitija igraju u četvrtom kolu Premijer lige na "Etihadu" protiv Brajtona. "Građani" su žestok peh doživeli u 35. minutu. Laporte going off on a stretcher - took a clattering on his shin, may have twisted his knee - worrying #ManCity — Ian Cheeseman (@IanCheeseman) August 31, 2019 Laporte going off on a stretcher - took a clattering on his shin, may have twisted his knee - worrying #ManCity