Manekenka sa Balkana dobila posao kod „kralja Instagrama“ (FOTO)
Vesti online 10.11.2019 |, Vestionline

Tridesetogodišnja balkanska influenserka i manekenka Ula Šemole pre više od mesec dana dobila je ponudu koju, kako kaže, nikako ne može da odbije. Ona će uskoro postati jedna od plejboj zečica na nekim od najrazuzdanijih proslava koje organizuje multi-milioner i „kralj“ Instagrama Den Bilzerijan.
They teach us to be humble and not loudly proud on ourselves – to keep it down low so we wouldn’t hurt other people. I say f*** that! So I can be crazy fan of total strangers but never same enthusiastic about myself? Because of what? So I can always feel that I am not enough? To not hurt people that didn’t make an effort to be as good as I am at something? WTF! No compliments will ever be enough if you don’t feel that about yourself first! Stay grounded but