Umrla slavna spisateljica. Borila se s rakom i depresijom. Ipak nije izdržala (foto)

Alo 09.01.2020  |  Alo/New York Times/V.M.
Umrla slavna spisateljica. Borila se s rakom i depresijom. Ipak nije izdržala (foto)

Američka spisateljica Elizabet Vurtcel, autorka knjige "Prozak nacija" o svojoj borbi s depresijom, umrla je 7. januara u 52. godini od raka.

List je obavestio njen prijatelj, Dejvid Semjuels, ali njena izdavačka kuća to još nije potvrdila. Incredibly sad. Bitch and Prozac Nation were incredibly formative to me as a young writer. I remember reading about Elizabeth in a magazine and having my mom take me to the local bookstore to order them when I was like 14. — Amanda Mull (@amandamull) January 7, 2020 Incredibly sad. Bitch and Prozac Nation were incredibly formative to me as a

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