Crni gusti dim se nadvio nad gradom! Poslate snage bezbednosti i vatrogasci!

Alo 10.02.2020  |  Alo/Daily Mail/V.M.
Crni gusti dim se nadvio nad gradom! Poslate snage bezbednosti i vatrogasci!

Stanovnici Londona strahuju od najgoreg.

Vatrogasci jure ka prometnoj pijaci u jugoistočnom Londonu nakon što su se čule eksplozije i nakon što se gusti crni dim nadvio nad gradom. #Update: Just in - Pictures of the explosion and a fire afterwards at "Peckham Levels" on the #London market in the #UK. Reason unknown what caused the explosion at this time. — Sotiri Dimpinoudis (@sotiridi) February 10, 2020 #Update: Just in - Pictures of the explosion and a fire afterwards at

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