Raj: Ulični trkači prave haos na ulicama Toronta

Srbija danas 01.04.2020
Raj: Ulični trkači prave haos na ulicama Toronta

Prazne ulice mame...

Smanjenje broja vozila na saobraćajnicama ovog kanadskog grada pojedini bahati vozači koriste da jurcaju po opustelim ulicama. Nobody is getting it. Our streets and highways are not a free for all. The @TorontoPolice just impounded the 20th vehicle since Friday morning for street racing. You may not care about your life but please think of the others on the road. pic.twitter.com/iHxRgH4JzF — Scott Matthews (@TPSTrafficDC) March 22, 2020 Kako se pandemija

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