Grenel zvanično podneo ostavku: Odrekao se pozicije u Stejt departmentu, ali je i dalje Trampov čovek za Kosovo! (foto)
Pravda 02.06.2020 | Tanjug

Ričard Grenel zvanično je podneo ostavku na poziciju u američkom Stejt departmentu.
Grenel je sinoć na svom Instagram nalogu napisao da mu je predsednik SAD Donald Tramp u predsedničkom kabinetu uručio poklon. View this post on Instagram Today I officially resigned from the State Department. And President Trump presented me with a going away gift - my Cabinet Chair. “Acting” Cabinet Secretaries do not get chairs but President Trump wanted me to have mine because, as he said, “You are the First Openly Gay Cabinet Secretary and it’s a big deal.” A