Desir: The exceptionally important decision of the Higher Court, the crime has to be punished
Cenzolovka 05.07.2020 | By Marija Šajkaš (New York)

“It is of the utmost importance that all those involved in this heinous crime do not go unpunished,” says Harlem Desir, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media in the statement for Cenzolovka, adding that his Office will closely follow the trial that will start on 7 July at the Court of Appeals.
Foto: Flickr / Parti socialiste In the statement for Cenzolovka, Harlem Desir, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, reminds that in the April of last year he has welcomed the decision of the High Court in Belgrade, sentencing former state security officials for organizing and taking part in the murder of journalist Slavko Ćuruvija on 11 April 1999. In April of 2019, Desir has welcomed the verdict of the Department for Organized Crime of the High Court