Crime: Đilas’s buddy’s company through which they drained millions from the city coffers ends up in Šolak’s hands!

Kurir 04.09.2020
Crime: Đilas’s buddy’s company through which they drained millions from the city coffers ends up in Šolak’s hands!

The United Group bought the company Media Point from Dragan Ješić, who is without doubt one of the major players in the Party of Freedom and Justice, and who has been served state and city deals worth millions on a platter owing to his public office – from public procurements, through selling advertising space, to privileged rental prices in Belgrade.

The traces left by the leader of the Party of Freedom and Justice Dragan Đilas leading to the United Group and its chairman Dragan Šolak are getting increasingly visible. A sizeable chunk of the assets owned by Đilas, whether in secret or in public, was pushed through a complex web in offshore areas, ending up in the hands of Šolak and the companies associated with him. The crucial piece of evidence After Đilas’s Direct Media and the Multikom Group commercial

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