Glumac Džef Bridžis otkrio da boluje od kancera
Nedeljnik 20.10.2020 | Dimitrije Đurić
Foto: Profimedia (Beta) – Američki glumac i dobitnik Oskara Džef Bridžis saopštio je da boluje od limfoma, ali da mu je prognoza dobra, prenosi danas Bi-Bi-Si (BBC).
Podsećajući na repliku iz filma Veliki Lebovski (The Big Lebowski), on je na Tviteru napisao da počinje terapiju protiv “ozbiljne bolesti”. As the Dude would say.. New S**T has come to light. I have been diagnosed with Lymphoma. Although it is a serious disease, I feel fortunate that I have a great team of doctors and the prognosis is good. I’m starting treatment and will keep you posted on my recovery.— Jeff Bridges (@TheJeffBridges) October 20, 2020 Bridžis, koji