A freelancer received a decision from the Tax Administration: They charged him taxes for 4 years with interest

BizLife 02.11.2020  |  BIZLife/Startit
A freelancer received a decision from the Tax Administration: They charged him taxes for 4 years with interest

The Facebook group Workers Initiative on the Internet has published the entire decision of the Tax Administration, which retroactively calculated taxes for a freelancer.

The tax in question represents indebtedness for the past four years. He filed a complaint, asking that they at least admit to him he made copyrighted works, considering that he works on creating mobile games, but they did not admit this to him as well, so his tax base will be much higher. I.e. instead of 66 percent, he will pay all taxes and contributions at 80 percent of earnings. According to calculation in this decision, he needs to pay 20 percent of taxes, 25.5

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