Nebojša lađević, director of the css anaesthesiology centre, speaks with kurir: 'The coronavirus will go on for two years.'
Kurir 05.11.2020

'I'm worried about the steep rise in infections, especially the fact that the 500 new cases will infect an additional 500. We aim to slow down the spread of the virus as the health system could not handle 4,000 to 5,000 inpatients at any one time.'
'The coronavirus will go on for two years, possibly even longer. There will certainly be some residual incidence of the virus. Everyone asks me how I handle it all so well, but I said to myself in the beginning that this would go on for two years, so I'm undisturbed. I'm still at the start line. We have two chances to get back to normal life – either the whole world gets vaccinated, or the disease vanishes all by itself. Since we still don't have a vaccine, face