Oglasio se Bil Gejts nakon izbora novog predsednika SAD
Alo 08.11.2020 | Alo.rs/N.A.
Osnivač "Majkrosofta" Bil Gejts oglasio se na društvenoj mreži Tviter o predsedničkim izborima u SAD
On je čestitao Džou Bajdenu nakon što su ga američki mediji proglasili pobednikom izbora. Congratulations to President-Elect Biden and Vice President-Elect Harris. Thank you to the election officials and campaign workers who worked tirelessly to ensure a record number of Americans could cast a ballot and have it counted during such an challenging time for our country. — Bill Gates (@BillGates) November 7, 2020 Congratulations to President-Elect Biden and Vice