Hirelings: Paying lip service to independent journalism while working for Šolak and Đilas! And REM lends a helping hand!
Kurir 30.11.2020

The videos calling for an election boycott, broadcast on N1 and Nova, were made by the company owned by journalist Jovana Polić, a close associate of Slaviša Lekić. Polić made the videos available to Đilas free of charge. This conclusively proves the link between the "independent" journalists and Šolak and Đilas's business and commercial lobby
A great many self-proclaimed independent journalists, who pay lip service to free and professional journalism, actually work for the leader of the Party of Freedom and Justice, Dragan Đilas. They are part of the media machinery operated by Đilas and his political and business ally Dragan Šolak, owner and chairman of United Group. By all indications, they are assisted in all this by institutions which ought to be independent, such as the Regulatory Authority for