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New attack against Kurir: The birn too caught in the tentacles of Šolak's media behemoth
Kurir 30.11.2020
Around the same time as Đilas's vice-president made yet another volley of indiscriminate accusations against Kurir, a text about our company appeared on the Balkan Investigative Network. All the media outlets in this business and political lobby patently… »
United Group to buy Danas daily: Šolak and Đilas's business lobby media machinery getting stronger
Kurir 30.11.2020
In light of such media concentration in the hands of a single person, the question arises how the presented information would impact on people and whether they would end up being misled. United Group, owned by Dragan Šolak, is one step away from taking… »
Who from the state administration protects United Group: REM buys time and delays stripping Šolak's N1 of privilege
Kurir 30.11.2020
The REM is evidently keeping away from their own remit and eschewing making an independent decision. One wonders if influential individuals in the REM steer decisions at the dictate and in the interests of United Group. Rather than upholding the laws of… »
Hirelings: Paying lip service to independent journalism while working for Šolak and Đilas! And REM lends a helping hand!
Kurir 30.11.2020
The videos calling for an election boycott, broadcast on N1 and Nova, were made by the company owned by journalist Jovana Polić, a close associate of Slaviša Lekić. Polić made the videos available to Đilas free of charge. This conclusively proves the… »
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Skupština Novog Sada usvojila budžet, opozicija ometala rad sednice - studenti i građani ispred zgrade
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Jeremija pali topa, zatresla se sva Jevropa: Vučić očajnički pokušava da zadrži vlast, ali sada je sve džaba
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U Zemunskoj bolnici i Urgetnom centru još 90 pacijenata sa protesta
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Srbija, u jeku protesta, tri puta proširila emisiju državnih hartija od vrednosti
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Ispred ambasade Severne Makedonije u Beogradu 75 minuta tišine za nastradale u Novom Sadu i Kočanima
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