Vida ognjenović: 'Let's listen to each other, conversation isn't a contest for the most vulgar expletive'

Kurir 11.01.2021
Vida ognjenović: 'Let's listen to each other, conversation isn't a contest for the most vulgar expletive'

'Perhaps the Ministry of Dialogue, established by the incumbent government, will ensure that parliament debates don't resemble brawls at a cattle market.'

"In addition to its deadliness, this coronal (sur)reality has another pernicious feature – the tightly controlled distance between people, a veritable death threat against the theatre and other performing arts. Each respite from the virus during the ten or so Covid months was to us like coming up for air after a long stretch of underwater diving near the bottom. We flocked to places where an art event was breaking away from Covid. "I saw that thirst for the theatre

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