UG: Telenor and Telekom Serbia building cartel to destroy free media in Serbia
N1 Info 29.01.2021 | Autor:N1 Belgrade

United Group (UG), which employees over 2,700 people in Serbia, said it was shocked by the decision by Telekom Srbija and Telenor to cooperate with the goal of destroying cable operator SBB and United Media, which independent media N1 and Nova S are a part of, United Group has said in a statement on Friday.
After learning there is evidence of this dishonest business alliance in the form of official documents, United Group will file lawsuits before domestic and international judicial bodies and address all relevant European Union institutions. Telekom Srbija’s participation in the cartel agreement to for the sake of stifling free media in Serbia is not a surprise, as United Group has for years warned about obstruction, pressure and subterfuge by Telekom, which had