Razoran zemljotres pogodio sumatru: Ostrvo se opasno zatreslo (foto)
Srbija danas 10.02.2021
![Razoran zemljotres pogodio sumatru: Ostrvo se opasno zatreslo (foto)](https://nstatic.net/img/logo/s/srbijadanas.png)
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Zemljotres jačine 6,2 stapena pogodio je danas jugozapadni deo indonežanskog ostrva Sumatra, saopštio je Evropsko-mediteranski seizmološki centar. ⚠ Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places,⬅ and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven. 6.2 - S/W of Sumatra, Indonesia - Wed, 10 Feb 2021 12:52:28 UTC (07:52 EST) https://t.co/LqTOF1snZp pic.twitter.com/zZBc0ndAFd — ✞he Beginning of Sorrows