Bills keep coming: Neither the sculptor nor Vesic know how much the monument cost

BizLife 17.02.2021  |  Nova S
Bills keep coming: Neither the sculptor nor Vesic know how much the monument cost

Russian sculptor Alexander Rukavishnikov, the author of the monument to Stefan Nemanja at Savski trg, has said that neither he nor the deputy mayor of Belgrade know the price of the said monument, because, as he stated, the bills for making the monument are still coming. “Neither Mr.

Vesic nor I can tell you the truth about how much the monument costs, because I really do not know how much money I spent on this monument. I am still receiving the bills that I am paying,” Rukavishnikov said when asked by how much the monument cost and when asked to allow the city authorities, i.e. Deputy Mayor Goran Vesic to announce the price of the monument, since Vesic himself said a few days ago that it was the Russian sculptor who demanded that the

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