Stejt department: SAD čestitaju SPC i njenim vernicima izbor novog patrijarha

N1 Info 19.02.2021  |  Autor:Beta
Stejt department: SAD čestitaju SPC i njenim vernicima izbor novog patrijarha

SAD čestitaju SPC i njenim vernicima izbor mitropolita Porfirija za novog patrijarha, saopštio je Stejt department.

Želimo mu uspeh u naporima da ostvari jedinstvo, međuverski dijalog i mir za sve, napisao je portparol Stejt departmenta Ned Prajs na Tviteru. The United States congratulates the Serbian Orthodox Church and its faithful on the election of Metropolitan Porfirije as the new Patriarch. We wish him success in his efforts to pursue unity, inter-faith dialogue, and peace for all. — Ned Price (@StateDeptSpox) February 18, 2021 Čestitku povodom izbora novog poglavara SPC

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