Otkrivena planina zlata u Kongu, meštani se sjatili sa lopatama (video)
BizLife 10.03.2021 | BIZLife

Na desetine ljudi “preplavilo” je planinu u Luhihiju, nakon otkrića rude bogate zlatom krajem februara.
Na video snimcima sa lica mesta vide se ljudi koji lopatama kopaju po zemlji i rukama pokušavaju da izvade dragoceni materijal iz zemlje. A video from the Republic of the Congo documents the biggest surprise for some villagers in this country, as an entire mountain filled with gold was discovered! They dig the soil inside the gold deposits and take them to their homes in order to wash the dirt& extract the gold. pic.twitter.com/i4UMq94cEh — Ahmad Algohbary