The average salary in January is lower than the one in December
BizLife 26.03.2021 | Beta
Compared to the same month last year, the average gross salary for January this year was nominally higher by 5.1 percent, and by four percent in real terms, while the average net salary was nominally higher by 5.3 percent, i.e. by 4.2 percent in real terms.
Compared to December 2020, the average gross salary calculated for January this year was nominally lower by 4.2 percent, and by 4.6 percent in real terms, while the average net salary was nominally lower by 4.5 percent, and by 4.9 percent in real terms. The average net salary for January this year amounted to RSD 48,000 dinars, which means that 50 percent of employees earned up to the stated amount, it is said in the announcement of the Statistical Office of the