The Government adopted the proposal: EUR 60 to everyone, pensioners get additional EUR 50 and unemployed get additional EUR 60
BizLife 26.03.2021 | Beta

The amount of EUR 60, i.e. two times EUR 30, will be available to adult Serbian citizens on the day this law enters into force, who reside in the territory of the Republic, have a valid ID card and apply for financial assistance in accordance with that law. “The first EUR 30 will be paid in May, and the remaining EUR 30 in November.
For both payments, citizens apply only once,” said Minister Sinisa Mali earlier. He added that pensioners will receive an additional EUR 50, which is a total of EUR 110 in state aid, and the unemployed will receive an additional EUR 60, or a total of EUR 120, respectively. The Government also adopted the Bill on Amendments to the Law on Determining the Guarantee Scheme as a Support Measure to the Economy for Mitigating the Consequences of the Pandemic and the Bill