Novi album Kool & the Gang

Mjuz news 08.07.2021
Novi album Kool & the Gang

Slušamo “Pursuit of Happiness”

Kool & the Gang su najavili novi album Perfect Union animiranim spotom za pesmu "Pursuit of Happiness". Ovo će biti prvi album legendarnog sastava od 2011. godine. Novi album je producirao Koolov pokojni brat Ronald Khalis Bell koji je preminuo prošle godine. Treklista izgleda ovako: 01 Pursuit of Happiness 02 The Weekend 03 Leave It on the Dance Floor 04 High 05 Sexy (Where’d You Get Yours) 06 All to Myself 07 R.O.Y.A.L.T.Y. (Kool & the Gang Mix) 08 Hold On 09

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