Novi šok pred US Open! Osvajačica 21 grend slem titule odustala, pomenula je Nadala i Federera! (VIDEO)
Alo 26.08.2021

Još jedno otkazivanje zbog povrede.
Američka teniserka Venus Vilijams neće igrati na ovogodišnjem US Openu zbog povrede. Not the best news everyone. I am joining @serenawilliams @RafaelNadal and @rogerfederer on the injured list. It’s still going to be a great US Open & many thanks to the @usta for the wild card. I was so looking forward to it, but it was not meant to be this year. I will be back! — Venus Williams (@Venuseswilliams) August 25, 2021 BONUS VIDEO: Za više