Neizvesnost u Nemačkoj raste Evo kako je glasao zapad, a kako istok!
Alo 26.09.2021

Oko 2,8 miliona ljudi glasa prvi put na izborima za Bundestag.
00.10 poslednja procena JUST IN: It's unclear if Die Linke will be in the next German parliament. The latest projected results have the democratic socialist political party below the 5% threshold required to join parliament, while the SPD maintain their lead over the CDU/CSU: — DW News (@dwnews) September 26, 2021 00.00 CDU izgubio u izbornoj jedinici gde je Merkel pobeđivala Alo!/Tanjug 20:43 Alo!/Tanjug 18:42 Novosti online/Alo/V.P.