IT's over, we'll be back to normal before May! Immunologist Popadić optimistic: 'no Covid jabs anymore!'

Kurir 31.01.2022
IT's over, we'll be back to normal before May! Immunologist Popadić optimistic: 'no Covid jabs anymore!'

"I'm convinced that as early as mid-February, we'll have a significantly lower number of new infections.

I expect that in spring, likely before May, we'll return to normal life. I'm cautiously optimistic about the Omicron variant marking the beginning of the end of the pandemic. This means that there will be no need for additional Covid vaccines – seasonal ones as well – because Covid 19 isn't seasonal in nature like, for example, the flu," Professor Dušan Popadić, immunologist and member of the National Immunization Body (NITAG for short in Serbian) and Vice-Dean of

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