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IT's over, we'll be back to normal before May! Immunologist Popadić optimistic: 'no Covid jabs anymore!'

IT's over, we'll be back to normal before May! Immunologist Popadić optimistic: 'no Covid jabs anymore!'

Kurir 31.01.2022
"I'm convinced that as early as mid-February, we'll have a significantly lower number of new infections. I expect that in spring, likely before May, we'll return to normal life. I'm cautiously optimistic about the Omicron variant marking the beginning of… »
Dr Radmilo Janković for kurir: 'Come spring, we'll finally go back to normal life! Flurona is a story for the headlines'

Dr Radmilo Janković for kurir: 'Come spring, we'll finally go back to normal life! Flurona is a story for the headlines'

Kurir 31.01.2022
"This wave will peak in early February. The numbers will be high, but the plateau will last much shorter and the epidemiological curve will go down quickly. We'll have a fairly uneventful spring and summer, and we'll finally go back to normal life. We'll… »

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