Serbia buys two Airbus transporters

BizLife 24.02.2022  |  RTS, Tanjug
Serbia buys two Airbus transporters

The agreement was signed by the representative of the Ministry of Defense, Colonel Aleksandar Cakic, the representative of Jugoimport SDPR Miroslav Mijatovic and the representatives of Airbus Bernhard Brenner and Ioannis Papahristofilu.

The planes should arrive in Serbia at the end of 2023 or the beginning of 2024, said Assistant Minister of Defense Nenad Miloradovic, who also attended the signing of the agreement in Madrid. “These are top airplanes, one of the most widespread on the planet, they have excellent results in use in the most difficult possible conditions,” said Miloradovic. He also stated that those two Airbus planes would significantly contribute to the Serbian Army in strengthening

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