U sred žestokih borbi: Rus poginuo u paklu Mariupolja, njegovi saborci nisu hteli da ga ostave! (video)
Pravda 01.05.2022 | Novosti onlajn

Na društvenim mrežama pojavio se potresan snimak iz Mariupolja.
Na snimku se vidi odred ruskih vojnika koji pretrčava brisani prostor između dve zgrade pod jakom neprijateljskom vatrom. "At first we did not want to publish this video - it's hard to watch it. But we decided nevertheless that these shots are also important for the chronicle, as they show the heroism of our guys who are fighting for a dead comrade." pic.twitter.com/wdtlJ9FXMW — ZOKA (@200_zoka) April 29, 2022 U toku prelaska, jedan vojnik je izgleda smrtno