March average RSD 74,664, median salary lower by RSD 20,000

BizLife 26.05.2022  |  BIZLife
March average RSD 74,664, median salary lower by RSD 20,000

The average gross salary in Serbia calculated for March this year amounted to RSD 102,781, while the average salary without taxes and contributions (net) amounted to RSD 74,664, said the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia.

Gross and net salary in the period January-March 2022, compared to the same period last year, amounted to 13.4 percent in nominal terms, i.e. 4.3 percent in real terms. Compared to the same month of the previous year, the average gross salary was 14.3 percent higher in nominal terms and 4.8 percent in real terms, while the average net salary was 14.4 percent higher in nominal terms and 4.9 percent in real terms. The median net salary for March 2022 was RSD 55,146,

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