Ðoković danas protiv Čilića za titulu u Tel Avivu
Euronews 02.10.2022 | Autor: Tanjug

Najbolji srpski teniser Novak Ðoković i Hrvat Marin Čilić sastaće se danas, od 17.30 sati, u finalu turnira u Tel Avivu. Ðoković je u polufinalu nadigrao Rusa Rusa Romana Safijulina 6:1, 7:6 (7:3), dok je Čilić bio bolji od Francuza Konstanta Lestijena 7:5, 6:3. one of the most outstanding djokovic record is that he has a positive record with ALL the 30 players he faced at least 10 times in career sunday he will face cilic for the 21st time (18-2, 1-1 in finals)