Excessively expensive offers: Procurement of chargers for electric buses in Novi Sad fails

BizLife 24.01.2023  |  021
Excessively expensive offers: Procurement of chargers for electric buses in Novi Sad fails

Novi Sad will have to repeat the tender for the construction of a charger for electric buses because the first procurement failed.

In the tendering process that has just been annulled, the value of which was estimated at 15 million dinars, two bids arrived, which were significantly higher, which is the reason for the suspension of procurement. A group of bidders Energotehnika-Juzna Backa and Geotehnika from Novi Sad offered the price of 23.9 million dinars, while Struja and AB & CO offered to do the job for 21.4 million. In addition, the second group of bidders did not submit an appropriate

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