Permanent Working Group for Safety of Journalists: Data on assaults against journalists from January to March 2023
Cenzolovka 25.05.2023

The Permanent Working Group for Safety of Journalists (PWG), comprising representatives of six journalistic and media associations (UNS, NUNS, NDNV, AM, ANEM, and AOM), the prosecutor’s office and the police, had a regular quarterly meeting on March 24. On that occasion, current cases of threats and assaults against journalists were discussed, information was exchanged about certain older cases, as well as examples of good practice and challenges faced by the Group. The OSCE Mission to Serbia has been
Permanent Working Group for Safety of Journalists (photo: PWG) Data on registered assaults against journalists from January 1 to March 31, 2023 The Republic Public Prosecutor’s Office delivered a report to the PWG, with detailed information on the steps taken by the police and the prosecutor’s office so far in all individual cases of assaults against journalists that were reported to the prosecutor’s office in the first three months of this year. From January to