KFOR: Smanjenje policije na severu odgovornost kosovskih institucija
Nedeljnik 16.07.2023 | Nedeljnik.rs

epa10668339 Vehicles of the NATO-led international peacekeeping Kosovo Force (KFOR) and Kosovo special police stand parked in front of the municipality building in Leposavic, Kosovo, 02 June 2023.
At least thirty KFOR peacekeepers and fifty two civilians were injured in clashes between security forces and ethnic Serbs in Zvecan on 29 May 2023. Tensions continue in northern Kosovo’s region, with majority of ethnic Serbian people, which arose after ethnic Albanians mayors took offices in four towns following elections boycotted by Serbian community. EPA-EFE/GEORGI LICOVSKI Kfor je saopštio da će po pitanju daljeg smanjenja prisustva policije u opštinama na