Žena pucala na aerodromu Putnici u panici tražili sklonište (video)
Alo 15.11.2023

Incident je izazvao paniku među putnicima, a neki su se sakrili i potražili sklonište
Jedna žena uhapšena je nakon što je pucala na međunarodnom aerodromu u Portlandu. Do pucnjave je došlo u utorak na izlazima D i E, a ispaljena su najmanje tri pucnja. I was on the phone with my friend who was in the bathroom when the shots were fired at Portland PDX airport. It was right outside the bathroom my friend was in by TSA. *The audio is muted on the video because she was on the phone with me.* pic.twitter.com/1FCZTnLg8p — Alexandria The Pro Audio Wiz 🪄