Monstruozni talas odneo 20 ljudi na plaži: Dramatičan snimak, voda nosila i automobile, bežali da spasu život (video)
Kurir 29.12.2023

Ogroman talas odneo je skoro 20 ljudi na plaži Ventura u Kaliforniji! Oluje na moru izazvale su velike talase što je dovelo do poplava i zatvaranja puteva duž kalifornijske obale. #HighSurf - Watch when a rogue wave hits the beach at the end of Seward Ave in the City of Ventura.
This occurred during the high surf advisory at high tide. Because of this wave eight people were transported to local hospitals. Currently the beaches are closed in Ventura County… — VCFD PIO (@VCFD_PIO) December 29, 2023 Veliki talas odneo je nakratko dvadesetak posetilaca na plaži u četvrti Ventura severozapadno od Los Anđelesa. Voda ih je odnela 50 metara niz ulicu. A rogue wave slammed into a crowd of onlookers in Ventura today.