Serbia: hundreds protest acquittals in journalist’s murder

Cenzolovka 06.02.2024
Serbia: hundreds protest acquittals in journalist’s murder

Hundreds protested in Belgrade today over a court ruling that acquitted four former intelligence officers jailed for the 1999 murder of journalist Slavko Ćuruvija. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) stands in solidarity with the demonstrators gathered to demand an end to impunity. The protest was organised by the Slavko Ćuruvija Foundation, together with the EFJ affiliates in Serbia (UNS, NUNS, KUM Nezavisnost), NDNV, Media Association, AOM, Local Press and ANEM.

Photo: Marko Risović An appeals court ruling published on Friday overturned the 2021 convictions and lengthy jail terms for four intelligence officers. The long long legal process has been marked by dramatic twists. The court decision has been condemned by opposition politicians, media rights campaigners and journalists’ organisations, including EFJ and IFJ. On Monday, demonstrators waved placards and held banners during a 25-minute silence. “The verdict and all

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