How Serbia’s CINS Pushes Investigative Journalism Outside the State Media ‘Bubble’

Cenzolovka pre 18 dana  |  Ana Ćurić
How Serbia’s CINS Pushes Investigative Journalism Outside the State Media ‘Bubble’

In November 2023, campaigns for snap parliamentary elections in Serbia were in full swing. At a large call center in the capital, Belgrade, more than 100 people telephoned citizens to canvas support for the right-wing Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) — co-founded by Serbia’s current president, Aleksandar Vučić — which has been in power since 2012 and holds a strong grip over the country.

The award-winning Serbian Center for Investigative Journalism (CINS) has expanded the audience for its investigative journalism by reaching the public through non-traditional platforms like TikTok. Image: Screenshot, Tiktok, CINS One of the call center workers was Ivana Milosavljević, a journalist from the Center for Investigative Journalism in Serbia (CINS) working undercover. In the heart of the operation, Milosavljević recorded video and audio footage and

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