First Data
Theft in The guise of democracy and fight for media freedom: Šolak is the richest Serb, with €1.22 billion and three private…
Kurir 26.02.2021
A calculating and avaricious tycoon, the owner of United Group has managed to stay out of the Serbian public's eye for years and conducted the bulk of his business under the radar. Kurir is the first to expose him. Knowing well that he has played dirty… »
Evropska agencija za lekove odobrila upotrebu vakcina Fajzer/Biontek u EU
Insajder 21.12.2020
Evropska agencija za lekove (EMA) odobrila je Fajzer-Biontek vakcinu za upotrebu u Evropskoj uniji i očekuje se da u narednih 48 sati Evropska komisija "stavi pečat" na ovo odobrenje te time otvori put milionima doza koje će Fajzer dostaviti u svih 27… »
Efikasnost vakcine „Sputnjik V“ ─ 92 odsto
Sputnik 11.11.2020
Efikasnost vakcine „Sputnjik V“ protiv virusa korona tokom prve privremene analize podataka iz treće faze ispitivanja u Rusiji iznosi 92 odsto, navodi se u saopštenju Ruskog fonda za direktne investicije na Tviter nalogu vakcine. Proračun se… »
Serbian Authorities Seek Bank Data of Rights Groups, Investigative Media
Cenzolovka 28.07.2020
A department of Serbia’s finance ministry tasked with tackling money laundering and terrorism financing has asked banks to hand over data about the transactions of dozens of individuals and NGOs known for their work on human rights, transparency and… »
Gvardiola napravio šou na Vembliju: Trener Mančester sitija divljao, pa zaslužio mesto u istoriji (video)
Kurir 04.08.2019
Trener Mančester sitija Đozep Gvardiola ušao je u istoriju na današnjem meču Komjuniti šilda u kome njegov tim igrao protiv Liverpula. Otkako su promenjena pravila i sudijama data mogućnost da trenerima daju žute kartone, Gvardiola je prvi koji… »
Purple Power was at its peak in Bled, Slovenia for the hugely successful HYCU Summit 2019
Telegraf 25.02.2019
The event gathered HYCU employees from all corners of the globe, as well as some of the closest partners including Nutanix, Lenovo and ExaGrid. HYCU is one of the world's leading data protection and monitoring software companies which has introduced… »
HYCU developed the world's first backup and recovery products specifically designed of Nuitanix and Google Cloud users
Telegraf 24.01.2019
Tom Bausemer, the VP of Cloud Solutions of HYCU company, spoke of their unique Google Cloud Data backup solution. Tom Bausemer is the is the vice president of the cloud solutions of HYCU, which successfully deals with the data protection and monitoring… »
Drugs present among majority of Young Serbians
N1 Info 19.12.2018
Up to 80 percent of young Serbians have some experience with drugs, the FoNet news agency said on Wednesday quoting figures released by the organizers of the Drugs Are Death debate. According to police data, between 70 and 80 percent of young people aged… »
Talijanska SIA preuzela First Datine poslove u centralnoj i jugoistočnoj Evropi
SEEbiz 26.05.2018
RIM - Talijanska kompanija za platnu infrastrukturu i usluge SIA priopćila je u petak da je za 375 milijuna eura preuzela dijelove američke grupe za elektronska plaćanja First Data u centralnoj i jugoistočnoj Europi. Kartično procesno poslovanje… »
Seven Bridges će razviti novi data centar za pedijatrijska istraživanja SAD-u
StartIt 15.08.2017
Novi centar za podatke će se razvijati u saradnji sa američkim Institutom za zdravlje i Dečijom bolnicom u Filadelfiji, sa ciljem da po prvi put omogući pedijatrijska istraživanja na osnovu spojenih podataka o kancerima i urođenim strukturnim… »
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![Studenti iz Kragujevca danas trče do Beograda, doček ispred Hrama Svetog Save: Kako će izgledati štafetni maraton](
Studenti iz Kragujevca danas trče do Beograda, doček ispred Hrama Svetog Save: Kako će izgledati štafetni maraton
Serbian News Media pre 4 satijoš 12 povezanih
![Studenti blokirali Gazelu i tri raskrsnice na prilazu Novom Sadu, u toku štafetni maraton od Kragujevca do Beograda](
Studenti blokirali Gazelu i tri raskrsnice na prilazu Novom Sadu, u toku štafetni maraton od Kragujevca do Beograda
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