
Tužilaštvo BiH se žali na prvostepenu presudu za zločin u Štrpcima

Tužilaštvo BiH se žali na prvostepenu presudu za zločin u Štrpcima

Slobodna Evropa 06.02.2023
Tužilaštvo Bosne i Hercegovine (BIH) uputio je Sudu BiH žalbu na prvostepenu presudu prema kojoj je Luki Dragičeviću izrečena oslobažajuća presuda za zločine u mjestu Štrpci, 1993. godine, saopšteno je 6. februara. Luka Dragičević je bivši… »
Tužilaštvo BiH se žalilo na presude za Štrpce

Tužilaštvo BiH se žalilo na presude za Štrpce

Radio sto plus 06.02.2023
Tužilaštvo je saopštilo da se žalilo i na visinu kazne od po 13 godina, koja je izrečena za ostalih sedam optuženih u tom slučaju. Tužilaštvo traži da Dragičević, bivši komandant Vojske Republike Srpske, bude proglašen krivim i kažnjen po… »
Danas presuda za ubistva civila iz voza smrti u Štrpcima

Danas presuda za ubistva civila iz voza smrti u Štrpcima

Al Jazeera 18.01.2023
U voz na relaciji Beograd – Bar, na stanici u Rudom 27. februara 1993. ušli su vojnici Vojske RS-a i izveli 20 osoba, koje su nakon mučenja strijeljali. U Sudu Bosne i Hercegovine za četvrtak je planirano izricanje presude Bobanu Inđiću, komandiru… »
Predsednik opštine Štrpce zatražio od Kfora da poveća prisustvo

Predsednik opštine Štrpce zatražio od Kfora da poveća prisustvo

N1 Info 10.01.2023
Predsednik opštine Štrpce Dalibor Jevtić zatražio je od KFOR-a da poveća prisutnost na području te opštine, a u skladu sa kapacitetom i misijom koju imaju na Kosovu. Jevtić je, kako je objavila opština Štrpci na Fejsbuku, komandantu regionalne… »
Gotovuša locals: 'We survive here so we're thorn in their side! We'll fight till last man standing, but won't harm albanian…

Gotovuša locals: 'We survive here so we're thorn in their side! We'll fight till last man standing, but won't harm albanian…

Kurir 09.01.2023
Fear is growing among the Serbs in the wake of the latest incidents, prompting them to request the establishment of checkpoints at the village entrance and exit to enhance security. They say that they are not giving up on their ancestral homes. The locals… »
Another attack against serbs in Kosovo: Group of Albanians beat up youth near Klokot on his way back from Christmas liturgy!

Another attack against serbs in Kosovo: Group of Albanians beat up youth near Klokot on his way back from Christmas liturgy!

Kurir 08.01.2023
After wounding Stefan and Miloš Stojanović near Štrpci, another Serbian youth was attacked last night, on Christmas Day, in Kosovo and Metohija. At around 2.30 am, a group of Albanians beat up Stefan Tomić (18) from Klokot as he was returning with his… »
'My son (11) is in shock, I dread to think what might have happened!' Mother of boy wounded near Štprci manages to see Stefan

'My son (11) is in shock, I dread to think what might have happened!' Mother of boy wounded near Štprci manages to see Stefan

Kurir 08.01.2023
"I've just seen my son, he's in a state of shock and cannot believe what's happened," said Zorica Stojanović, mother of 11-year-old Stefan, who was wounded today alongside his relative Miloš S. (21) near Štrpci. "They don't even know this person. It's… »
Albanian man opens fire on Serbian youths near Štrpci for carrying Yule log, child (11) among those injured!

Albanian man opens fire on Serbian youths near Štrpci for carrying Yule log, child (11) among those injured!

Kurir 08.01.2023
Two Serbian boys, relatives Stefan Stojanović (11) and Miloš Stojanović (21), were wounded today in Gotovuša near Štrpci when a local Albanian man opened fire on them from a moving vehicle in an unprovoked attack. At the time of the attack, the… »
'We're all unsettled!' Gotovuša: 'This tragedy sends dangerous message to us Serbs! We've survived so We're thorn in their…

'We're all unsettled!' Gotovuša: 'This tragedy sends dangerous message to us Serbs! We've survived so We're thorn in their…

Kurir 08.01.2023
The locals of Gotovuša, a village near Štrpci where Serbian youths were shot at, gathered together today, on Christmas Day, in the village church, and lit candles for the health of their wounded neighbours. Bojan Radić is one of the Gotovuša locals… »
Jedan od osuđenih u slučaju Štrpci pobjegao iz bolnice

Jedan od osuđenih u slučaju Štrpci pobjegao iz bolnice

Sandžak press 26.10.2022
Vlasti Bosne i Hercegovine danas su raspisale potjernicu za bivšim pripadnikom Vojske Republike Srpske Miodragom Mitrašinovićem, osuđenim za ratne zločine, poslije njegovog bekstva iz bolnice. Mitrašinović je sa još šest bivših pripadnika Vojske… »

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