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"Japanese investor visited Indjija 29 times, wages will be 60 percent higher than Serbian average"
Telegraf 01.08.2019
The Japanese were choosing between Poland and Serbia for the location for their new factory. The average wages in Japan's first Toyo Tires factory in Europe will be about 60 percent higher than the average in Serbia, said Serbian President Aleksandar… »
President announces higher wages and pensions
Telegraf 01.08.2019
The president points out that Serbia is headed towards becoming the region's leader in terms of earnings. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic expects the average wage in our country to reach between 500 and 510 euros in the next three months, and points… »
Serbian club's Japanese reinforcement arriving from Arsenal with 5-member team, cook included
Telegraf 01.08.2019
Everything was organized by an agency that takes care of the footballer; his assistants will spend only five days in Belgrade, after which the newcomer will continue his life in Serbia on his own. Partizan Belgrade football club's big reinforcement coming… »
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